DCO Discourse...

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

319 episodes of DCO Discourse... since the first episode, which aired on January 9th, 2019.

  • Episode 47: Victim Services

    October 11th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  10 mins 21 secs

    Dealing with crisis is something that we all face at some point in our lives. No one is immune to violence, crime or uncontrollable circumstance. Sudden death, physical abuse, sexual assault, suicide or theft can happen to us or our loved ones at any mome

  • Episode 46: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

    October 3rd, 2019  |  Season 1  |  15 mins 51 secs

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a severe and debilitating anxiety disorder afflicting about one adult in 40, making it twice as common as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and the fourth most common psychiatric disorder, according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

  • Episode 45: Understanding the Impact of Epilepsy on Family Members

    September 26th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  20 mins 29 secs

    Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder which has a tremendous effect on the individual as well as a significant impact on their family. Epilepsy affects one in every 100 people in Canada but the number of people that are impacted by the disorder on a day to day basis is actually much greater when one considers family members and caregivers.

  • Episode 44: Introduction to Seizures and Epilepsy

    September 19th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  21 mins 39 secs

    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders affecting approximately 300,000 Canadians. Most often starting in childhood or else presenting later in life, anyone can develop epilepsy at any time. This condition affects people of all ages, all

  • Episode 43: Conversations in healing- Kevin's Journey

    September 13th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  51 mins 3 secs
    addictions, kevin, sobriety

    This week we're joined by Kevin who's here to detail his journey to 1 year (and 2 days) of sobriety, what led him to this journey and struggles it took to get here as well as insights into what insights that have/haven't helped his journey.

  • Episode 42: Blind or Partially Sighted

    September 6th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  17 mins 37 secs

    Vision loss can occur at any age and can be caused by eye problems that are present at birth, by conditions that appear later in life, or by infections or environmental factors. Aging however, seems to be most closely connected to the eye health of indivi

  • Episode 41: Duty to report

    August 30th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  16 mins 28 secs

    We all share a responsibility to protect children from harm. This includes situations where children are abused or neglected in their own homes. Ontario’s Child and Family Services Act (CFSA) provides for protection of these children. The Act states that

  • Episode 40: From the Ashes

    August 22nd, 2019  |  Season 1  |  28 mins 59 secs
    addictions, from the ashes, jesse thistle

    Jesse Thistle is Cree-Metis on his mother’s side and Scottish and Algonquin on his father’s side. Jesse is a P. E. Trudeau and Vanier Scholar, as well as a Governor General Silver Medalist. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in History and is an Assistant Professor,

  • Episode 39: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    August 20th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  26 mins 22 secs
    post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event - either experiencing it or witnessing it. It can be an extremely debilitating condition that can occur after exposure to an event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. This is not a rare condition. PTSD can affect anyone who has had a traumatic experience and is among the most common mental health problems. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 1 in 10 people will suffer from PTSD and the number can be higher among specific groups of workers.

  • Episode 38: Communicating with Youth Experiencing Depression or Suicidality

    August 17th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  21 mins 18 secs
    communicating with youth experiencing depression or suicidality

    Despite the increasing awareness around mental illness, it continues to be the single most disabling group of disorders. According to the World Health Organization, it affects youth, and specifically teen females, particularly hard. It is estimated that between 10 and 20% of Canadian youth are affected by a mental illness and approximately 5% of male youth and 12% of female youth have experienced a major depressive episode. This indicates that over 3 million teens in Canada today, between the ages of 12 and 19, are at risk of developing depression.

  • Episode 37: Understanding Homelessness

    August 9th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  20 mins 29 secs
    understanding homelessness

    Housing is one of the most important factors for a healthy life. A good home is important for individuals and for overall population health. There is a growing number of Canadians who are precariously housed or homeless. Changes in the economy and in the housing market are adding to homelessness. The supply of affordable housing has not kept pace with the needs of the population. There has also been a decline in the amount of affordable rental housing in many cities. Combine that with declining incomes and a widespread reduction in social benefits for low-income Canadians, and you get a population that has to spend a greater percentage of its income on housing.

  • Episode 36: First Nations or Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity

    August 1st, 2019  |  Season 1  |  19 mins 47 secs
    aboriginal perspectives, first nations or aboriginal cultural sensitivity, native cultural sensitivity

    As help line call responders, you are asked with every contact, to provide care and sensitivity to the needs and conditions of the caller. That sensitivity involves being open and accepting of the person’s background, values and experiences and being awar

  • Episode 35: Collecting or Hoarding

    July 25th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  18 mins 42 secs
    collecting or hoarding

    Hoarding is a complex behaviour that has been recognized as a distinct mental health disorder in the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). People who hoard accumulate extreme, disorganized clutter in their homes and su

  • Episode 34: Mental Health First Aid

    July 18th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  17 mins 37 secs
    mental health first aid

    Good mental health involves feeling good both physically and mentally; possessing the ability to enjoy life, and coping effectively with everyday challenges. ‘Easy enough’, you may say, but for many, this can seem like a lofty goal.

  • Episode 33: A Focus on Anxiety

    July 12th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  33 mins 39 secs

    We all feel nervous, tense or worried at certain times and in certain situations. This anxiety is normal and can be a helpful feeling when it motivates us or warns us of danger. Anxiety is commonly experienced in high pressure situations, for example, pri

  • Episode 32: DCO Conference 2019 Talk - Loneliness

    July 5th, 2019  |  Season 1  |  44 mins 6 secs

    DCO Conference 2019 Talk - Loneliness